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He is son of Word Winner 2017 Izumi Gai Zutsumoto. We imported him in July of 2018. He is a very nice and calmed loving character with excellent anatomy.
He has the following titles:
Junior Champion of Belorussia, Junior Champion of Russia, Junior Champion of Lithuana, Champion of Russia, Champion of Belorussia, Champion of Lithuana, Grand Champion of Belorussia, Champion of Serbia, Champion of Hungary, Romanian Champion, Croatian Champion
He is Interchampion.


Mitsuhoshi Vakay AKIHO 17-660 (imported from Russia) HD/A, ED/0, Eyes free, AI clear, Dns diversity test


D.O.B: 09.11.2016

Hirohito is a very promising male, son of the World Junior winner 2017 Shigetora Go Fuen No Oka. Excellent anatomy, and loveing character.
He is already Akita Cup winner in puppy class 2018, and on the Euro Dog Show 2018 he get the Hope of Europe title, Hungarian Minor Puppy Grand Winner, Best puppy several times.

Hirohito Go Fuen No Oka AKIHO (imported from Poland) HD/A, ED/0, Eyes clear, 
D.O.B: 25.04.2018

He is son of famous Meyoso winner Shinzan Go Maimu. 
Hamaryu was entered in Japan at the 140th Honbuten show and he got 6 th place at Youken class. 

Hamaryu Go Mino Kokeisou 
AKIHO 19-293  (imported from Japan)

HD/A, ED/0, Eyes clear, AI clear, Dns diversity test


D.O.B: 13.07.2018

Jinshirou Go Yamawaru Kensha 

HD/A, ED/0, Eyes clear,
European Junior Winner 2021, Hungarian Junior Champion

D.O.B: 15.03.2020

Tohoku No Arashi Go Isegumo Kensha

Minor puppy World winner 2022, 11.Hozonkai Yoken class 1 place, Hungarian Junior champion

D.O.B: 02.01.2022

Minamoto Jaku Go Yamawaru Kensha

HD/B, ED/0, Eyes clear
11.Hozonkai Wakainu class 3 place, 

D.O.B: 12.11.2021

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